Terraform Installation & setup - Getting Started Series (Part 2)

Terraform Installation & setup - Getting Started Series (Part 2)

Now That we know what Terraform is, and how why it's important, let's quickly get set up, up on our local machine and get how Hands dirty

Terraform Installation on Mac

The most recommended way to get set up on a mac is by using the macOS Package Manager homebrew, just follow the following three steps

A link to the installation guide on terraform can be found here

Step One - install the HashiCorp tap (a repository of hashicorp homebrew packages)

This should run for some time and finish the installation

Step Two - Install Terraform (this would install the terraform binary)

And that's it, it's that simple

Finally, let's just confirm the installation

Step Three

Terraform installation on windows

For windows, its a bit cumbersome, but we will get there

Let's install chocolatey

open your windows PowerShell, in admin mode

and paste the following command

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))

After a while, this should finish the installation

And then we can use choco to install terraform

you might need to approve, this quick prompt

you should then get a successful installation after some time

Let's confirm this by checking the version.

Terraform installation on Linux

Because of the several flavors of Linux, it would be difficult to do a full guide on each, so ill would refer to the docs here - install terraform in linux

If there are further questions you can reach out to me, on Linkedin

Next we will start getting our hands dirty creating resources in AWS with terraform